Proper Change

Cut taxes – Increase welfare services – Prepare for the future

LIFE is a new political movement. We understand that a future worth living is going to require structural change.

A new Britain is possible. A country where we ensure that everyone has access to the basics so they can make the best of their lives. A country where everyone pays their fair share, and we balance the books. Somewhere place matters, and people control their communities.

In the first parliament we will:

  • cut incomes taxes for everyone, reducing the base rate of income tax by 1% every year
  • reduce the cost of living every year by at least £1/day per person
  • reduce energy and pollution by 1% every year
  • reduce the national debt and the deficit by 1% every year

It’s time for change, proper change. We can’t wait till 2030, we need to start changing now. Love LIFE, Vote!

Join us! Get involved now, keep in touch by following this site, or follow us on Facebook or twitter. If you’re really interested in proper change: consider standing for election in your local constituency.


Donate to UK LIFE now to help make Proper Change come true – thank you


Our goal is sustainability: financial, social, and environmental sustainability. We have a comprehensive platform for structural change that delivers us to a sustainable future, peacefully.

  • Local first, because people matter.
  • Safety for all, because we all matter.
  • Independent business, because success matters.
  • Vibrant democracy, is the only way to fly.
  • Sustainability everywhere.

LIFE stands for a modern, secular society. We embrace digital identity as much as social safety, the enterprise spirit as much as the community, and we believe that the way to the future must be through a much more vigorous democracy. We want a joyful society of free individuals, held together by life sustaining services, in a multi-layered and flourishing democratic structure.

  • Can we afford for Britain not to lead? - Britain, partly on account of its preeminent financial center in the City, may be the only advanced country positioned to move to a new socio-economic model. Any country proposing to make an even moderately radical break from the status quo will face deep scepticism from the establishment, and the establishment today is embodied in the […]
  • Discover LIFE - In the never ending quest to make the principles and ideas behind LIFE accessible to a wider audience we have produced an new iBook called “Discover LIFE”. Understanding who we are requires that we can reach beyond our personal perception of the world to see ourselves as a species. Who are humans? How did we […]
  • Floundering on the Rocks of Policy - Any solution set that is not almost single-mindedly focussed on the provision of social safety and the encouragement of variety and specialisation is not worthy of the challenges before us.
  • The Heart needs its Soul - Broad specialisation held together in large cohesive groups, the mind and the heart, the right and the left, these are the soul of our species.
  • Promises - Hominoids only emerged from the Savannah to cover the world after they adopted promises as the basis of their societies. In a material world, where money is used as a replacement, is rediscovering the importance of promises a leap too far for most of us? There is something that humans before the “economic era” knew […]
  • First new economic model in 100 years - The recognition that social safety is a parallel requirement for economic success, and the revelation that unconditional safety is both the natural expression of solidarity and the key to liberating economic performance, has unveiled a new economic model for human society that will transform the 21st Century into a new age of enlightened prosperity.
  • Conditional Cash Corrupts Us All - Why cash has (almost) no place in a social security system. Unconditional love is the ultimate expression of our humanity for a reason, because it is the basis of our successful evolution. The purpose of social security is to provide unconditional support as the expression of solidarity, thereby maximising the output and the quality of our […]
  • Why WellFair Works Fair - The welfare debate has become confused and poisonous. We are firmly in the territory of “deserving” versus “undeserving” poor, when the real issue is affordability. As all advanced societies start to grapple with the challenge of how to run a peaceful, modern society within the confines of a low growth economy and within a sustainable […]
  • Intro - If we provide each other with the basic necessities of LIFE, free of charge and without means testing, we will remake our economy and come into balance with our environment.


Donate to UK LIFE now to help make Proper Change come true – thank you
